Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

Wellbeing Week 2023


2nds Together Wellbeing Week

21st - 23rd February 2023


This year we are once again focusing on Menopause and the impact it has on us as secondary breast cancer patients. 

We look forward to sharing some insights from leading experts. 


Our first guest is Karen Newby, author of The Natural Menopause Method.  Karen is a specialist menopause nutritionist.

Yvonne from Birdsong Yoga Physio is back and will take us through a yoga session and answer your questions about exercise. 

Fiona Macrae, founder of Insurancewith, is joining us to chat about travelling while living with secondary breast cancer. 

Barbara Wilson, Working with Cancer, will be chatting to us about menopause and the guidelines for working while living with cancer. 

Jennifer Young, founder of Beauty Despite Cancer, will join us for an Instagram Live to chat about skincare and the menopause. 

We finish off the week with a mindfulness session from Peter Lawrence.  





We'd like to thank all our guests for giving up their time to take part in our Wellbeing Week and sharing their knowledge with us.