Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & My Treatment

17th October 2022 by Tricia Snow SBC & Me


SBC & My Treatment:


How Does Secondary Breast Cancer affect your life?

It’s always there in the back of your mind or the front. It affects everything you do . Totally messes with your head sometimes. Not to mention all the hospital appointments and treatment


What advice would you give to someone newly diagnosed?

Take time to process the diagnosis. Try to take it day by day , step by step. Join a support group like 2nds together. Many people have been living well with SBC for years


Has your treatment line changed since you completed SBC & Me last year?



How many changes to treatment have you had?

3 changes . Now on 4th line , Paclitaxel.
Capecitabine and Vinerolbine didn’t work


How are you coping?

No too good this time . Trying to do as much as possible, meet up with family and friends and get out and about . This helps me stay in the now .


Do the side effects affect your life daily? If yes, please explain

Yes . Feel fatigued , lots of aches and pains and no energy. Also get breathless . And that’s before I start Paclitaxel!!!


Have you found a routine that works for your everyday life? If yes, please explain

No definite routine. But try to plan outings and days away with family as much as possible. Going on a snow leopard experience at Highland wildlife park on Saturday. 


Do you feel anything is missed when it comes to living with secondary breast cancer? Medically or Socially

I’m not sure medical professionals really get what it means to live with stage 4 cancer . A lot is left up to the patient to organise which is hard when you are already dealing with treatment etc. The support is woefully lacking , which is why Make2ndscount is so important.


Have you treated yourself to anything since your diagnosis? If yes, please explain

A holiday of a lifetime to Canada and back on the Queen Mary 2 ship . Was amazing.


Has it changed your perspective on life? If yes, please explain

Yes .
Try not to worry about the small things and take the joy in every little thing .