Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & My Treatment Blog

19th October 2022 by Helen Stewart SBC & Me Education

Helen Stewart

SBC & My Treatment:


Has your treatment line changed since you completed SBC & Me last year?

No, luckily I am still on the same treatment. I have CT and MRIs regularly and so far my scans have been stable (no sign of new spread, and the existing cancer hasn’t grown). So I stay in the same treatment for now.


How many changes to treatment have you had?

This is the first line of treatment for me (after the initial chemotherapy)


How are you coping?

I think I am coping quite well now. I try and live life as normally as possible, although it frustrates me that I can’t do all the things I used to. I know there will be a time that I will get further progression, the cancer will spread again, but that time isn’t now. I have wobbles every now and again obviously, and am reluctant to plan things too far in advance, but in general I try to remain positive and ‘normal’ especially for my family.


Do the side effects affect your life daily? If yes, please explain

Daily life has changed, that is true! Each drug that I am on causes a whole list of side effects. Mostly achy joints and bone pain. But also fatigue, bad mouth ulcers, skin rashes, and hair thinning. The actual cancer is in my spine, so I also have pain there and can’t bend or twist too much because of the damage in my back.


Have you found a routine that works for your everyday life? If yes, please explain

I carry in as normally as I can. I do sleep more, and rest as needed . And I have to remember to pace myself, not too much standing, or walking too far. I used to be on my feet all day while at work, I wouldn’t be able to do that now.


Have you treated yourself to anything since your diagnosis? If yes, please explain

Holidays. We definitely have travelled more in the last year, catching up on seeing friends and family after the covid restrictions.
And I buy a new pair of Rocket Dog shoes to treat myself at scan time.


Has it changed your perspective on life? If yes, please explain

I have definitely crammed as much as possible into the last year or so. Holidays that were ‘maybe one day I’d like to go…’ I don’t have a ‘bucket list’ as such, but I am doing things that I may have had in mind to do “later” or “”when we retire”
And I want to see as much of my family and friends as I can too. I feel grateful that I can do all these things.